Tuesday, November 11, 2008


With the whole world coming out with blogs on the new US president, I couldn't let myself be left behind in the opinion rush. Admittedly, I followed the entire election process from the beginning of the year as avidly as if it was a hot reality show. The CNN atmosphere is still much like The Amazing Race.
The 'first African American president' part didn't really appeal, because Obama didn't run on that platform and was never a black leader. It is even doubtful how much of the African American experience he represents. His father was truly from Africa, but he was a student rather than a descendant of slaves/immigrants. Plus he was raised quite apart from the African American historical baggage. In a part of America which was probably more racially diverse than most parts. But if African Americans can get inspired by him, who are we to quibble - we are just as inspired.
What was impressive, apart from the oratory, was the immense organisational aspect of the whole process. It literally took on the establishment and overset it. That in itself portends change. Also, the multicultural experience, especially in a developing economy, is beyond the ordinary American's life.
Nobody expects the follow-through to be as dramatic, as we are all ultimately cynics. But there is still a grain of perverse hope that maybe peace, or rather less hostility, can come to the world, with this man who can turn water to wine and can part the ocean.
For India, he has no option but to engage forcefully. The nuclear deal stressed bipartisan support from the US Congress for us, and we are basically harmless souls. We are also a large market, and a low-cost producer. And we are not China.
This is a reality show that will be on air for at least the next four years, and we will all be watching.

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